Search: For - G20 Presidencies

5 results found

Can mental health become a priority pillar for future G20 Presidencies?
Nov 09, 2023

Can mental health become a priority pillar for future G20 Presidencies?

With commitment, collaboration, and a comprehensive approach, the G20 has the capacity to guide us toward a future where mental health occupies a cent

G20 returns to Asia
Oct 30, 2021

G20 returns to Asia

The ‘duplex of Asian G20 presidencies’ led by Indonesia and India takes on a formidable agenda, one that is likely to shape the world economy for

The G20 in a Post-COVID19 World: Bridging the Skills Gaps
Nov 12, 2020

The G20 in a Post-COVID19 World: Bridging the Skills Gaps

The COVID-19 pandemic is transforming the world of work. As new occupations are emerging in this digitised landscape, the skills and competencies required for jobs are evolving as well. This brief examines the skills gaps that persist across the G20 countries, and argues that they will need to adapt their education and training mechanisms to the changing skills requirements. Although nearly all presidencies of the G20 forum have prioritised youth